Leonardo 3.4.5 is a highly sophisticated profiles generator. The high resolution (more than 1500 possible basic profiles) and the inclusion of personal data generate a high level of trust because of the accuracy of the profiles. Further, Leonardo 3.4.5 is integrated in an advanced intellectual context based on a transdisciplinary approach of systems sciences, life sciences, psychology, organizational strategy, human communication. The price for such a sophistication and accuracy are the questions consultants who work with Leonardo 3.4.5 will encounter when talking about the program or from participants. The following list encompasses the most frequently asked questions concerning Leonardo 3.4.5.
1. What is the scientific and epistemological basis of Leonardo 3.4.5 ?
Life and human sciences: neuro-sciences, biology, analytical psychology and organization psychology (systems approach)
Management concept: team based learning organization and empowerment in order to optimize human resources
2. Are there products that can be compared with Leonardo 3.4.5 ?
Leonardo 3.4.5 is presently probably the most advanced tool for organization and personal development, for the assessment of organizational strategies. Many consultants use tools like:
MBTI: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (also based on C.G. Jung's typology of personality)
TMS (Team Management System, Margerison-McCann)
Belbins’s Team Roles
DISG (Marston)
These tools have brought to organizations invaluable insight in the way people work together.
3. Under which circumstances is team work absolutely needed ?
Whenever the tasks are complicated and even more if they are complex
Whenever the risk is very high
In learning organizations
4. How many people are needed to form a team which covers all functions ?
3 people at the minimum are needed to form a team because individuals cannot develop more than 3 functions
5. Who coordinates the various functions within a team ?
That is the main task of the manager and those who are responsible for the human resources
6. Are there any particular characteristics that a team coordinator needs to have ?
He does not have to be the most skilled of the group in a technical sense, but he needs
insights into the profiles of team members
the ability to listen
the ability to communicate
to make information circulate
to take care of the goals
In Leonardo 3.4.5 there is a coordinator's assessment tool in order to facilitate the learning of this role. No further special personality characteristics are requested in order to attain a good level of performance as coordinator
7. What do the figures in the Leonardo 3.4.5 logo stand for ?
They are based on the different vertical levels of reality: 1 = cell; 2 = organ; 3 = individual; 4 = group; 5 = organization; 6 = society; 7 = supranational system;
Leonardo 3.4.5 focuses on the individual, the group and the organization
8. What are the 8 functions of the octagon based upon ?
According to J.G. Miller's (Living Systems) research, living systems encompass 19 functions. M.R. Belbin (Management Teams, why they succeed or fail) indentifies only 8 functions. A comparison between the two approaches shows that of all Miller's functions can be found in Belbin's typology
9. In which situations is Leonardo 3.4.5 particularly recommended ?
Restructuring, BPR, mergers, fast growth
Introduction of a new management style
Introduction of a quality system
Strategic reorientation
Facing complexity
Empowerment of the team
Projects with a high risk
Multicultural teams
10. What is in the Leonardo 3.4.5 package for consultants ?
The package encompasses the access to the profiles generator, all courses and facilitation materials in editable form, including texts, slides, graphics
Mention of the consultant in the consultants list with possibility to set a link to the site of the consultant
Training and coaching for the first project