If Leonardo da Vinci's life has provided the metaphor of the universal genius, the 3.4.5 refers to three from seven levels of complex reality: The individual (3) - the group (4) - the organization (5). This concept of a vertical hierarchy of complexity has been developed by J.G. Miller (Living Systems) together with a concept of horizontal specialization (J.G. Miller's 20 subsystems).
These concepts have allowed to precise empirical research done by other authors and to integrate C. G. Jung's psychological typology with an organisational concept based on life sciences plus an empirical observation on how preferences at work influence decision making in strategy.
The scientific base refers to two aspects of Leonardo 3.4.5:
The general concept about managing organizations and collective intelligence
The individual profiles, their fine resolution and their effectiveness in generating awareness and triggering instant behaviour optimization
Three concepts are superposed in Leonardo 3.4.5:
> The functions in the organization
> Individual work preferences
> Decision making in strategy
Leonardo 3.4.5 profiles are based on 3 "active ingredients":
High resolution in profiles
More than 1500 different profiles are available in each of the following languages: English, French, German and Italian. They describe preferred behaviours and provide guidance for teamwork and the development of collective intelligence.
"Devilishly precise" as said several participants in workshops, but this precision is necessary in order to gain the trust from the participants and to give credibility to the guidance which is offered in the profiles.
Of course, a profiles generator, regardless of how precise it is, is only a trivial machine, and it will never be able to describe the complexity of human beings. But approximately 90% of the participants are able to bridge the gap between their personal life history and what they find in their profiles without further questions to the consultant. In 10 % of the cases some precisions are asked or a need for a more personal guidance emerges. Thus a good mastery of the tool by the consultant is a must.
To reach such a precision in the profiles different levels of scoring have been taken into account in each of the 16 profiles. Gender specific differences are addressed not only in language but also in some very robust differences in behaviour which could be observed as constant in different cultures.
Further the profiles exist in 3 versions (Full profile, Profile and Score) which address different needs in using Leonardo 3.4.5 in different contexts and with different actors.
The Full profile is featured with coaching tools for easy to manage collective or individual coaching sessions.
Neuro-science approach for learning processes
The profiles are equipped with "learning and change facilitators" inspired by Frederick. Vester's approach of "Learning Biology". The profiles take into account the "mechanics" of memorisation and the time needed to complete a process for building awareness and for making desired change options available for daily use. Learning biology has contributed the rhythm of texts in the profiles.
NLP-tools for writing architecture
The NLP-toolbox has contributed significantly to the writing technique so that the mere reading of the text is an individual facilitation and coaching session by itself.
Tools like reframing, change of life history, etc. are deployed to ease participants learning and change processes. One time reading might be enough for some participants whereas for others a thorough work on the development profile and attentive reading several times will achieve the desired effect.
This sophisticated architecture of the profiles rewards consultants regularly with comments of relief from participants like: "First I don't have a big deal to change in my behaviour and second it's easy to achieve; everything is clear and O.K. for me!"
Several messages of this kind indicate to the consultant that the "Instant Behavioural Optimization" is operating its magic and that the remaining time of the workshop can be devoted to pragmatic solution finding as well as to contracting common objectives and individual contributions. If few members of a larger group do not demonstrate any shift towards this state, the group dynamics exert a powerful entrainment so that they can easily come around with a few individual coaching sessions.