Organisations are dependent upon team members who distinguish themselves among others in view of their capability to gather and distribute relevant information. They perform the strategic and tactic monitoring. Information gatherers are characterized by patience and flexibility. While they know how to gather important information on the one hand, they are rather uninterested in putting ideas into action. They do not boast with the knowledge they acquire. On the contrary, they only talk about it when they get asked. It is common that they are accused of being undetermined.
Conclusion: The knowledge supplied by information gatherers is highly useful and very important to organisations. Yet, they must be given enough time for their research.
Team members who distinguish themsleves among others in view of their creativity and innovative spirit are said to be rather difficult to lead. They are hard working people who are constantly on the search for new ideas. While working on new projects, absentmindedness characterizes them.
Conclusion: Organisations are dependent upon innovative people. They need time to get to the point of having the necessary coherence in their project ideas, hence their performance is diminished when they have to work on command and with deadlines.
The Function PROMOTION
Those who like to promote ideas usually have a comprehensive overview of company ongoings. It is common that promoters have good contacts and a wide sphere of influence. While they like to raise interest for ideas on the one hand, they look for ways to put them into practice on the other. They are capable of developing new resources and of renewing working methods. Promoters like to take up ideas of innovators. Yet, they often lack the patience to monitor the process of transferring ideas into action.
Conclusion: Promoters help ideas to become public. They thus work hand in hand with innovators.
Developers are analytically thinking people who judge ideas according to feasibility and profitability. They are open-minded and capable of listening carefully. They constantly try to find ways of how to put ideas into action. As soon as the process of analysing and developing is over, their interest in projects vanishes. They dislike concrete hands on activities to give life to projects or working routines. They happily leave up this kind of activities to organisers and realizers.
Conclusion: Developers are team members who work out the means and methods for the practical realisation of ideas and visions.
Organizers are responsible for the realization of projects. They know how to make their team work effciciently. They like to take the lead within their teams in order to ensure the success of their projects. They need facts and decisions and are usually characterized by impatience. They organize their work as well as the work of their team members. Organizers' relationship to their colleagues is often very "bussinesslike". Obstacles make them angry and frustrated.
Conclusion: Organizers make projects come true, no matter the costs or consequences.
Realizers put projects into daily actions and are highly reliable team members. They are practically oriented people who view results as the most important aspect of their work. They like order, regularity and clarity. They are usually very patient and organised. The whole team can count on their work and perseverance. They are not bored by working routines. They work according to the following motto: "Daily problems ask for constant creativity and always keep one going.
Conclusion: They constitute the backbone of company work by putting visions and ideas into action and ... income.
Team members with the preference "Verification" are practically oriented people who are used to working very precisely and cautiously. They prefer to concentrate on one task at a time. Their work is characterized by rules and guidelines. They keep their team updated in view of facts and figures. Verifications are constantly on the search for details and mistakes and will enforce high levels of quality and reliability. They are indispensable when it comes to questions concerning security, quality, legal or financial standards.
Conclusion: Verifiers and their teams contribute constructively to the solving of problems within the organization.
Team members who internalize the principles and guidelines of the company are the guardians of harmony and reputation. The scope is the team and its individual members as well as the image of the company as a whole; these aspects are very important to them. Their main interest is stability and their way to manage teams and organizations is very much oriented on the respective goals.
Conclusion: Stability, harmony and reputation depend upon those who identify themselves and their work with the company they are working for.